Police Records
We manage the daily influx of police reports and paperwork generated by patrol officers, cadets and police dispatchers. This includes some 3,000 reports; 1,500 citations; 2,500 fingerprints and more than 800 arrest jackets annually. We also coordinate with the Investigations Unit and Administrative Services Sergeant to gather employee background records, as appropriate.
Closed on weekends,State,National and CSU Holiday’s.
Automated Records Management System
Reports filed with UPD become part of the automated records management system (RMS). Every business day, we send reports to the District Attorney's Office for review. Statistics from RMS are sent to the Department of Justice, FBI and the Chancellor's Office for inclusion in the state and federal crime statistics and the Student Right to Know (Clery Act) statistics.
We operate the online LiveScan inkless electronic fingerprinting system. LiveScan fingerprints are electronically transmitted to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for completion of a criminal record check. To make an appointment for LiveScan fingerprinting, contact us at 408-924-2172. There is a cost associated with this service. For more information, see LiveScan Fingerprinting Policy & Request Form. There are NO WALK-INS admitted, by appointment only. Requesting Reports & Records info below Live Scan
Requesting Reports & Records
Only authorized parties can access police records in compliance with
State laws. Reports pertaining to specific crimes may be withheld.
Generally, releasable reports become available within 10-15 business
• You may request a report via telephone or email.
• If you are a suspect in a case or an arrestee and are currently
involved in court proceedings, please reach out to the Santa Clara
County District Attorney’s Office directly for guidance on
acquiring a copy of your report.
• Hours for report releases are Monday through Thursday from
8:00AM to 3:00PM. An appointment must be made to pick up a
Phone: (408) 924-2172
Fax: (408) 924-3779
Monday – Thursday
7:00AM – 3:00PM