Student Success, Excellence and Technology Fee (SSETF)


Collection of the SSETF commenced with the Fall 2012 term (Executive Order 1078). As a mandatory student fee that applies to all students, 菠菜网lol正规平台 is obligated to ensure the revenues collected are used in ways that were detailed in the fee proposal and conveyed through open forums held in Spring 2012. Details about the six priorities supported by the SSETF are available below.

Effective Fall semester 2014, the SSETF was separated into three components and frozen at the Fall 2013 fee amount. Upon guidance from the Chancellor’s Office, to comply with the fee structure approved in EO 1078, effective Summer 2021, the three components of the fee were brought back together as one singular fee charged to student accounts. 

菠菜网lol正规平台's Six Priorities Supported by the SSETF

Fee Components

Fee Information by Fiscal Year

Original Fee Proposal Materials

SSETF Fee Rates by Fiscal Year

Messages from the President and Interim VP