January 2024 New Grants and Contracts
We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during January 2024:
Monthly Awards at a Glance
26 Awards Received: Valued at $6,188,764.
Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure terms.
Lucas College and Graduate School of Business
Philbrick, Karen E. / Nixon, Hilary K., Business, Dean's Office
CSUTC: Transportation Research and Transportation-Related Workforce Education, Training
and Development – (2023 Renewal: Year 1 of 3)
Sponsor: California State University System – $2,000,000.
Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering
Ehrman, Sheryl, Engineering, Dean's Office
CoGenerate Encore Fellowship
Sponsor: CoGenerate – $25,000.
Liu, Hongrui, Industrial & Systems Engineeri
Proposal to Test/Research Market Clearing Systems For ISO New England
Sponsor: ISO New England – $25,000.
Okamoto, Nicole / Stowe, Mathew, Engineering, Dean's Office
MESA Engineering Program (MEP) - Academic Year 2023-2024
Sponsor: Regents of The University of California – $80,000.
College of Health and Human Sciences
Garcia, Moctezuma, Social Work
Unidos en Salud: Multi-Disease HIV Testing Hubs for Latinx Immigrant Communities in
San Francisco
Sponsor: UC, San Francisco – $41,993.
Grzywacz, Joe, H&HS, Dean's Office
Integrative Pathways to Health and Illness
Sponsor: University of Wisconsin, Madison –$64,246.
Lee, Peter Allen / Breaux, Matthew, Social Work
FY 2125 Adult Protective Services Training Program
Sponsor: UC, Berkeley – $136,875.
Lee, Peter Allen / Ciriaco, Maria Herdeliza, Social Work
FY2327 Public Behavioral Health MSW Training & Fellowship Program
Sponsor: UC, Berkeley – $383,250.
College of Humanities and the Arts
Harris, Katherine, English & Comparative Literature
Public Art as Resistance in San Jose: Walking Tour
Sponsor: City of San José – $10,000.
Lamay, Bronwyn / Jarvie, Scott, English & Comparative Literature
San Jose Area Writing Project 2022-2023 - State
Sponsor: Regents of The University of California – $36,506.
Lamay, Bronwyn, English & Comparative Literature
San Jose Area Writing Project 2023-2024 - Federal
Sponsor: Regents of The University of California – $39,089.
Office of Research
Queale, Abby / Abousalem, Mohamed, Division of Research & Innovation
Mapping the Path to Evolving Silicon Valley’s Ecosystem Equity (EsVEE)
Sponsor: Department of Commerce – $300,000.
College of Science
Clements, Craig B., Meteorology & Climate Science
Center: Center: Addition of WPI as a Partner Site to WIRC
Sponsor: Worcerster Polytechnic Institute – $85,900.
Clements, Craig B., Meteorology & Climate Science
Active Fire Monitoring during FireSense using the SWIS Sensing Package
Sponsor: NASA – $159,555.
Clements, Craig B., Meteorology & Climate Science
METOPS - Analyze 30 YR Climatology 2KM WRF Model (2047625)
Sponsor: Pacific Gas & Electric Company – $235,000.
Devries, Maya / Graham, Michael / Hamilton, Scott L. / Gardner, Luke, Biological Sciences
Aquanauts: A Transformative Research and Training Experience for Undergraduates in
Shellfish Aquaculture
Sponsor: UC, San Diego – $3,223.
Maloney, Deborah, Moss Landing Marine Lab
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $49,000.
Orescanin, Mara, Moss Landing Marine Lab
Estuary Inlet Evolution & Dynamics - Year 2 Amendment
Sponsor: UC, San Diego – $17,367.
Quan, Gina / Gutmann, Brianne, Physics & Astronomy
Collaborative Research: Evaluating Access: How a Multi-Institutional Network Promotes
Equity and Cultural Change Through Expanding Student Voice
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $18,020.
Sigala, Marco A., Moss Landing Marine Lab
2022 TNA Reporting
Sponsor: Central Coast Water Quality Preservation, Inc. – $119,000.
Spitzer, Julie S. / Becker, Joanne Rossi / Damm, Suzanne, Mathematics & Statistics
Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Project 23-24 (ESSA federal funds)
Sponsor: Regents of The University of California – $24,223.
Yarbrough, Mark / Feinholz, Michael E., Moss Landing Marine Lab
Implementation of MarONet for Support of OCI/PACE Vicarious Calibration
Sponsor: University of Miami – $300,020.
College of Social Sciences
Lawaway, Sean P., Psychology
Human Systems Integration: Coll. Human Factors Research to Improve Safety, Efficiency
& Reliability of NASA’s Aeronautics & Space Missions: Phase 2
Sponsor: NASA – $1,764,838.
Yang, Bo / Wilkin, Kate, Urban & Regional Planning
FireSage: 菠菜网lol正规平台-NASA SMD Bridge Seed Program Proposal Summary
Sponsor: NASA – $182,037.
Sponsored Programs
Maloney, Deborah, Sponsored Programs Admin.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - TBD
Sponsor: National Science Foundation – $49,000.
VP/Provost Acad & Student Affairs
Del Casino, Vincent / Amirkulova, Feruza, Provost's Office
ADVANCE Partnership: Kindling Inter-University Networks for Diverse (KIND) Engineering
Faculty Advancement in the California State University System
Sponsor: CSU, Fresno – $39,622.